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Search Results for: evangelism

Pioneer of Indian church and WCC is remembered 100 years on

The life of Bishop Lesslie Newbigin, an English Presbyterian instrumental in the creation of the united Church of South India and who played a key role in the World Council of Churches, is being commemorated 100 years after his birth. "Lesslie Newbigin was one of our ecumenical forebears," said WCC general secretary the Rev. Samuel Kobia in a sermon at ...

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Just a Thought

Over the weekend I was tripping about in my car and I heard an advertisement that went something like “Thank you Jesus for cricket” and then in a range of voices thanking Jesus for sunny days, for healing aunty, for the snooze button. It went on for a while with mostly trivial and self-serving thank you points. A voice over ...

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No place like HOME in Rockhampton

SOUTH ROCKHAMPTON Uniting Church is proud to offer a special home to young people – and not just any home.The church’s HOME or House of Mission and Evangelism is an initiative where young people are challenged and supported to live in a sustainable Christian community. While at HOME, they receive training, mentoring, and encouragement for ministry practice in the church ...

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Defining pilgrim’s theology

A new book collating key documents relating to the theological position of the Uniting Church was launched during the Synod meeting on 2 November. The book, Theology for Pilgrims, was collated by the Director of the Pilgrim Learning Community Rob Bos and Trinity Theological College Director of Studies in Systematic Theology Rev Dr Geoff Thompson who wrote introductions to each ...

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Tall tales tell a truth

ERIC IS a tradie. He’s an intelligent 35-year-old bloke with a successful business in a complex and dynamic industry. In the fourth pew from the back, Eric is reminded of the apprenticeship lectures at TAFE college and he’s falling asleep twenty minutes into the Sunday sermon at River Gum Ridge View Estate Uniting Church. According to Redcliffe Uniting Church’s Rev ...

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Interfaith: on the ground

Last year the Maleny Uniting Church helped stage the first National Interfaith Festival.  The event was a huge success and brought attention to the many groups within the Uniting Church in Queensland that are working together with people of other faiths. Rev Garth Reed has been involved in interfaith relations for more than 30 years. As chaplain of Brisbane Boys ...

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Holy play: the ethics of bait and switch

You’re the character in a video game, aliens from another planet are attacking you, enemies from another country are killing slaves, and an evil corrupt ruling power just keeps on sending their troops after you. Your character Striker needs to fight through the hoards of aliens, bullets, dead bodies, landmines, tanks, smoke and fighter planes in order to save the ...

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Restore rights of Ainu indigenous people, urges Japanese pastor

The Japanese government and Christians should support the rights of the Ainu indigenous people in Japan’s northern island of Hokkaido, the Rev. Tadao Miura, the director of the Ainu People Information Centre of the United Church of Christ in Japan, has said. "God created each one of us as unique beings. So, we should care for each other," Miura said ...

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Evangelical theologian sues Bishop over ‘discrimination’

The Bishop of Liverpool is being sued for religious discrimination by a leading Evangelical theologian – on the grounds she was treated as the "wrong kind of Christian". The case is being brought by Elaine Storkey, known particularly for her work in the area of feminist theology, a popular speaker at the Greenbelt Arts Festival and a regular contributor to ...

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Somebody’s Child – The Story of a Man who found Hope – and took it back to the Streets!

Monarch Books RRP – $18.95 This book is a sequel to Robinson’s earlier Nobody’s Child. Perhaps the names of each give away to some extent the essential thesis of each!  Nevertheless, this book is very motivational and centres the reader’s thoughts and imagination on the amazing power of God to transform a man’s life and then to use that same ...

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