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$165,000 boost for Blue Care in Warwick region

About 140 elderly people in Warwick and Allora-Clifton will benefit from new funding of more than $165,000 for Blue Care.

Blue Care Warwick and Allora-Clifton Director of Nursing Sue Hoopmann said the funds were awarded through the State/Commonwealth Home and Community Care (HACC) program.

“We are delighted to receive new funding of $165,000 to extend our quality caring services across the region,” Ms Hoopmann said.

A total of almost $53,000 was allocated for a new social support service.

Social support can include assistance with shopping, taking people to and from medical appointments, helping people pay their bills or visiting lonely or housebound people for a cup of tea or a chat.

Another $20,000 was set aside for domestic assistance, which is for elderly people who have difficulty with dusting, vacuuming, washing, ironing, meal preparation and cleaning because of mobility problems or physical strength.

The breakdown of funds for other Blue Care Warwick and Allora-Clifton services were personal care – $42,000; and respite care – $50,000.

Ms Hoopmann said the majority of older people preferred to continue living in their own home.

“This additional funding means Blue Care can continue to provide them with that option as well as a higher level of independence,” she said.

Ms Hoopmann said the role of home and community care was set to expand over the coming years with an ageing population.

“One of the most significant challenges facing us as a society is to meet the needs of elderly people,” she said. “It is reasonable to expect people will not only need, but insist on receiving health care in alternative environments such as their homes.

“At the moment, Blue Care Warwick and Allora-Clifton is delivering care to more than 650 people every year. We expect that number to increase significantly over the coming years.”