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ABC’s Religion Report axed


ABC RADIO National has announced The Religion Report will be axed as part of major changes to its 2009 schedule.

Staff were made aware of the changes but it was outspoken Radio National presenter Stephen Crittenden who made the cuts public in a strongly worded two minute preamble to his program.

"The decision to axe one of this network’s most distinctive and important programs has been approved by the director of ABC Radio, Sue Howard, and it will condemn Radio National to even greater irrelevance,” Crittenden said on air.

“The ABC’s specialist units have been under attack for years, but the decapitation of the flagship program of the Religion Department effectively spells the death of religion at the ABC.”

He encouraged listeners to protest against the decision naming Director of Radio Sue Howard as having signed off on the decision.

Radio National manager Dr Jane Connors said, “Decisions to wind up programs are never easy as all of the network’s shows are made with passion and care and each have their devoted following.”

Senior Communications Officer for the Uniting Church Assembly Penelope Monger described the decision as “a disgrace”.