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Blue Care nurses celebrate International Nurses Day

Blue Care nurses will join millions of colleagues around the world today to celebrate International Nurses Day.

This year’s theme “Delivering Quality, Serving Communities – Nurses Leading Primary Health Care” is particularly relevant to Blue Care, which employs more than 3000 nurses across Queensland and northern New South Wales.

Blue Care Executive Director Stephen Muggleton said International Nurses Day was a great opportunity to reflect on the important and diverse work Blue Care nurses did.

The day marks the 188th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birthday – the world’s most famous nurse. Florence probably wouldn’t recognise the Blue Care nurses of today,” Mr Muggleton said. "The nursing role has changed considerably since her day.

“Blue Care’s nurses are now recognised for their invaluable contribution not only as carers but also as clinical leaders, researchers and policy developers.

“Blue Care is a very diverse organisation and our nurses can advance their careers at a number of levels including clinical nurse specialists, clinical nurse consultants, nurse educators, nurse researchers, directors of nursing and senior nurse advisors.

“Nurses are the only health professionals that accompany patients along their entire journey. They work in people’s homes, in residential aged care facilities and in research and policy areas.

"Other health professionals offer expert assistance at intervals, but a Blue Care nurse’s attention is continuous, and strong and supportive relationships develop.

"A Blue Care nurse’s ability to develop such close and trusted relationships with the people they care for is why the community continues to hold our nurses in such high regard, and continually seeks their support and help in times of need.”