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Blue Care remains committed to providing aged care services

Blue Care remains committed to providing aged care services throughout Queensland and Northern News South Wales with a number of new developments underway and in the planning stages, UnitingCare Queensland CEO Anne Cross confirmed today.

“Blue Care has not stopped building new aged care facilities as reported in the media this morning and will continue to support and provide care for the elderly, people with a disability and others in need in the community to remain independent for as long as possible,” she said.

“Blue Care has a number of new infrastructure projects being planned or that are currently underway. However given the inadequacy of current funding models the organisation will not be applying for additional bed licenses in the Commonwealth Aged Care Approvals Round (ACAR) next month.”

Blue Care staff and volunteers provide care for more than 12,500 people every day through nursing, allied health, personal care, domestic assistance, respite, social support, pastoral and volunteer services.

This support is offered to people in their homes, in the community, and in Blue Care’s centres, clinics, residential aged care facilities and independent living units across Queensland and northern New South Wales.