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Burdekin RE based short flm makes national competition finals

A Short film made at Ayr State Primary School has been chosen as a finalist in the Ignite Short Film competition that attracts entries from across Australia and Internationally.

The Ignite Short film Competition is a competition for films of 5 minutes or less, that depict various verse of the Bible.

The theme for 2009 was verses that contained a reference to animals. Prizes include $1000 people’s choice award, and in the past have included overseas trips. Previously competition winners have been aired nationally on Channel 7 on Christmas Day.

Ayr State Primary School and Home Hill State Primary school both entered videos into the competition that were made as part of the ‘Godverts’ program in the schools.

This program is a collaboration between the school, churches and Chaplains that seeks to teach Religious Education in a fun and creative way using technology and more specifically film making.

Year 7 students are given a verse of the Bible that they have to make come alive on film. They are taught about story telling, advertising, film-making, editing and even something about faith in the process. The students write the scripts, develop storyboards, film and then edit them, getting help from the Chaplains and course founder Rev Paul Clark from the Burdekin Uniting Church.

“The students love it!” said Rev Clark. “They come alive as ideas develop, as they get to act, as they film and then see their idea become a reality. No-one wants to wag religion anymore!”

“It’s an honour for the school.” said Ayr State Year 6/7 teach Brad Keioskie, “and a real reward for all the kids hard work. They have to think hard to get their heads around some pretty complex ideas, and they love seeing themselves on the big screen.”

Chaplain’s Ian Cumming & Damien Coe are delighted. “It’s an amazing program that started here and now it will definitely be wanted by other chaplains and other schools.” Ian said. “It’s all about teaching kids that faith can be fun; God is good. Any awards are bonus.”

The students will be holding their breath until winners are announced in a gala ceremony in Sydney on Sat 5th Sept. If you want to see their video – and vote for it in the people’s choice – check out www.ignitefilmfest.com – It’s entitled ‘Weak Ant’.