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Christian groups turn to God to ‘save Zimbabwe’

Zimbabwean church groups are praying to God to bring an end to mounting political and economic woes in the southern African nation that has been ruled by 83-year-old President Robert Mugabe’s Zanu-PF party for 27 years.

"We call upon Zimbabweans to get into prayer for the nation as only God can save Zimbabwe," the Christian Alliance, a grouping of churches, opposition political groups, and human rights organisations, urged in an appeal.

Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai of the Movement for Democratic Change party was on 28 March arrested in a raid on his headquarters in Harare, members of the party said. The BBC reported that Tsvangirai had been planning to hold a news conference about the arrest and alleged assault of scores of opposition activists after police broke up a meeting earlier this month.

Tsvangirai himself was taken to hospital with head and facial injuries when police dispersed the 11 March prayer rally called by the opposition Movement for Democratic Change and an alliance of church and civic groups to "pray for an end to tyranny".

Zimbabweans are struggling to survive in a country said to have an inflation rate of more than 1700 percent, massive unemployment and poverty, as Mugabe resists calls for political reforms and change.

"We sense a renewed urgency for the speedy and peaceful resolution of our national crisis to avert looming disaster," the Christian Alliance said in its 25 March appeal for prayer. "May God save us from these trials and tribulations. Prayer is one tool we believe will bring healing and transformation in a peaceful manner in this nation."

In a statement published in the privately-owned Standard newspaper, three church groups – The Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference and the Zimbabwe Council of Churches – called on Christians "throughout the country to solemn assembly to bring the nation, its challenges and its people before God Almighty".

Writing in the weekly The Zimbabwean newspaper published in London, Xolani Sillah, a Zimbabwe emigrant, said: "The situation in Zimbabwe is now out of order. It needs God himself to intervene. Please pray for an end to this madness. Keep praying and don’t be discouraged."

Prayer groups that have emerged in recent years such as Intercessors for Zimbabwe and Women Weapons of Warfare often convene prayer meeting and call for fasting for God’s intervention as Zimbabwe’s political and economic crisis exacerbates.

All articles (c) Ecumenical News International