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Emotions are overflowing in the Mary River Valley

The Uniting Church Moderator Rev David Pitman visited the Mary Valley in June

“It is no exaggeration to say, I am living in a powder keg of emotion in the Mary Valley,” said Uniting Church Minister Rev Iain Watt.

The Uniting Church is supporting Mr Watt’s work and has released him from his role as Blue Care Chaplain Gympie so he can more fully support people in the Mary Valley affected by the proposed Traveston Crossing Dam.

“I have made myself available to work with the Lifeline Emergency response team belatedly hired by the government after recognizing the trauma their surprise announcement has caused.

“We have moved into outreach mode to reach the estimated 800 plus families in the ponded area.

“Of course the effects are wider than just these as economic results have immediately thrown many businesses into downward spirals, property sales are frozen, people downstream are worried about the loss of water and environmental destruction.”

Mr Watt reported that in the last week a four year old had needed counseling whilst his mother could not be consoled.

“I have visited two families where terminal illness has been accelerated by the extra stress of the dam plan. Seniors cannot sleep for future anxiety. There are thousands being affected by this plan.”

As part of a call for the church to become informed about what is being proposed and why people are so angry, Mr Watt is promoting the “Save the Mary River” website which offers alternative proposals. The website can be accessed here: http://www.travestonswamp.info/_mgxroot/page_10791.html

Mr Watt said the Mary River residents are desperately looking for ways of getting their message to people, “especially now as they consider who the might vote for on the 9 September.”

Photo : The Uniting Church Moderator Rev David Pitman visited the Mary Valley in June