Home > Queensland Synod News > Fairtrade clerical ‘dog collars’ now available online

Fairtrade clerical ‘dog collars’ now available online

Melbourne personality, Fr Bob Maguire, has joined a group of church leaders who are calling on Australians to buy Easter eggs made with Fairtrade cocoa and shirts, including clerical "dog collar" shirts, made with Fairtrade cotton.

By supporting Fairtrade certified cocoa and cotton, consumers can ensure small holder farmers are paid fairly, receive investment to improve the future for their families, and are protected from the use of harmful agricultural products.

Moderator of the Uniting Church Synod of Victoria and Tasmania the Reverend Jason Kioa, said "now that I know some children are exploited picking cocoa beans, I may choke on a chocolate egg that is not Fairtrade."

Bishop Philip Huggins of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne’s Northern Region said, "rather than getting hot under our collective dog collars we’ve decided to practically reduce the global demand for child labour by helping cotton and cocoa workers get decent work so they can support their families and communities."

Executive Officer for the Melbourne Archdiocese Office for Justice and Peace, Mr Mark Clarke added his support saying "these sorts of products not only teach Christ’s message, but also embody the Gospel message of peace, love and new life for all."

Melbourne media personality and Catholic priest, Fr Bob Maguire had the final word saying, "I don’t want children picking the cotton for my shirt, I love my new dog collar…!"

Look for the Fairtrade symbol on chocolate made by companies like Cocolo, Oxfam Trading, Scarborough Fair and find Chocolatier eggs at Oxfam stores or selected outlets when shopping this Easter.

"Profit for purpose" company, Rise Up, has also made it possible to purchase a Fairtrade "dog collar" online.