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It’s more than Just Christmas

Education Coordinator for Moreton Rivers Presbytery Aaron Ghiloni is keen to help Uniting Church members to develop an adult appreciation of Christmas.

Mr Ghiloni has produced a series of three studies designed to help people understand and experience the themes of justice and joy that feature in the Christmas story.

"Christmas can be such a clichéd time," Mr Ghiloni said.

"I wanted people to take a fresh look at this profound story. Christmas is not just for the kids."

A former high school teacher, Mr Ghiloni has a Bachelor of Theology, a Masters degree in Christian Education and is currently working on a PhD at the University of Queensland where he is looking at the integration of educational philosophy and Christian theology.

The Just Christmas study series includes participation in a justice event for the small group participants in the second part of the study.

"Talking about justice is futile if there is no accompanying action," Mr Ghiloni said.

"I wanted to highlight the theme of social justice that is throughout the Christmas story.

"This theme is often ignored and, even worse, opposed in our contemporary holiday celebrations.

"I want us to rediscover the joy of doing justly at Christmas."

The studies are available as a 30 page PDF download (1.7MB) from the Synod Website resources page http://www.ucaqld.com.au/. The resources are free to photocopy and use in a congregational setting.