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Long journey to graduate

From left: Ellen Roughsey (left), College Principal Rev Michael Connolly and fellow student Evette Pamela Mundraby from Yarrabah

Seven hundred kilometres is a long way to fly just to get to theology classes.

That is what Mornington Island Uniting Church and community elder Ellen Roughsey did every time that she attended her Theology studies at Wontulp B-Buya College in Cairns.

In March Ellen received her Certificate III in Theology.

“There came times I thought I’d quit, but when we talked about the importance of leadership training, that encouraged me to go on and finish,” she said.

“I wanted to encourage others to take up studies and develop themselves too.”

Ellen has now commenced a Community Organising and Development Course at Wontulp.

Photo : From left: Ellen Roughsey (left), College Principal Rev Michael Connolly and fellow student Evette Pamela Mundraby from Yarrabah