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Nuclear weapons unacceptable in any form says WCC

The general secretary of the World Council of Churches has heard Christian leaders in Taipei express concerns about Taiwan’s vulnerability due to the increasing proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region, especially the threat from China and North Korea.

Kobia WAs visiting Taiwan from 23-26 November and he addressed faculty and students of the Taiwan Theological College and Seminary, which dates back to 1872.

"The liturgy we celebrate in church extends into the liturgy of our daily lives," said Kobia, a Methodist from Kenya, on 24 November. It was his first stop in a pastoral visit to the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT), which is a member church of the WCC.

Some local Presbyterian members raised concerns about Taiwan’s vulnerability due to the increasing proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region, especially the threat from China and North Korea.

"The World Council of Churches’ policy on nuclear proliferation is very clear," Kobia responded. "The world should be rid of nuclear weapons. The WCC calls for all countries with nuclear weapons not simply to commit to not using them, but to destroy them entirely."

He added, "No country should claim nuclear weapons for themselves and at the same time question the right of others to have them. The WCC has made representation to the United Nations and has addressed all countries presently possessing nuclear weapons, including the most recent one, North Korea."

Kobia said that the WCC was working with countries that had the capacity to develop nuclear weapons but had chosen not to do so, such as South Africa and Brazil. He noted: "They are the only countries who have the moral authority to say ‘stop.’ Although this is an extremely difficult issue in our world today, the WCC will remain relentless in pursuing an end to nuclear weapons."

(c) Ecumenical News International