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Queensland Synod News

Church calls on government to respect democratic process

The Uniting Church today expressed its disappointment at the Government’s handling of its counter-terrorism, Welfare to Work and workplace relations changes. Uniting Church President Reverend Dr Dean Drayton said the Church was concerned at the haste in which these Bills had been put to Parliament and called on the Federal Government to ensure that the integrity of the democratic process ...

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Moderator condemns capital punishment

Uniting Church Queensland Moderator Rev Dr David Pitman says execution is morally indefensible. "The execution this morning of Van Tuong Nguyen was a cruel and extreme punishment that should be the cause of deep concern to all Australians," Dr Pitman said. "Notwithstanding that Van Nguyen was guilty of a criminal offence; his execution represents a barbaric and totally unwarranted action. ...

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Uniting Church President responds to Santoro’s slam

Queensland Liberal Senator Santo Santoro attacked the Uniting Church for publicly opposing the Howard Government’s industrial relations reforms. Senator Santoro said Uniting Church president Dean Drayton had run "the Labor line" when appearing before a recent Senate committee hearing into the Work Choices Bill, which encourages greater use of contracts and dilutes unfair dismissal laws. His attack was made during ...

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School packs for the Solomons project on air

"Queensland families are just breathing a sigh of relief as children finish school for the year.  For one group it’s already time to start thinking about next year. "Imagine sending your children off to schools without electricity, glass in the windows or even chalk for the teacher to write on the blackboard. That’s life in the Solomon Islands, where hundreds ...

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Telling stories in a digital age

We now live immersed in a post-literate, digital culture. It’s global, interactive and visual and desperately needs to hear the stories of God in its current languages: multi-sensory, pictorial, non-linear, musical and experiential. That’s storytelling. In June 2006 the Network Of Biblical Storytellers (NOBS) will hold The Gathering 2006 , the 6th National Biblical Storytelling weekend at  Port Hacking in ...

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Taize Brother proves to be a light in the darkness

Just weeks after the stabbing death of Taize founder Brother Roger, Taize Brother Ghislain brought the unique form of worship to Australia. Br Ghislain said despite the community being rocked by the death, things were progressing as normally as possible. “Br Roger prepared us for a long time to be able to continue after he had gone. The pain is ...

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Migrant leaders want to stay in the UCA

Leaders of seven migrant communities from across the Uniting Church have met with Assembly leaders to discuss the impact of the decision on Membership, Ministry and Sexuality made at the 10th Assembly. The 17 leaders representing six National Conferences and the Korean Commission, joined with the President and General Secretary on October 12 to explore ways the voices of migrant ...

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Pentecostals win hands down in community engagement study

Pentecostal churches were the greatest contributors to social capital in the Ipswich region, according new research completed by University of Queensland academic Dr John Harrison. “Social capital is a short hand way of describing the level of community engagement a congregation has”, Dr Harrison told Journey. “Those churches which create strong and inclusive social networks which generate friendships based on ...

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Calling for an end to violence against women

Uniting Church President Reverend Dr. Dean Drayton has urged Australians to wear a white ribbon this Friday in support of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (IDEVAW). “Domestic and sexual violence devastates the lives of women in Australia and in countries around the world. White Ribbon Day provides a unique opportunity for all of us to ...

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EDUCANG welcomes new CEO

EDUCANG Ltd, a partnership in education of the Uniting and Anglican Churches, has welcomed new Chief Executive Officer, Suzanne Bain. A special commissioning service of Mrs Bain to her ministry as CEO of the EDUCANG schools was held in the Living Faith Chapel at the Alpine Place Campus of Forest Lake College earlier this week. During the service, Mrs Bain ...

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