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Promoting prayer in Queensland

Rev Kaye Ronalds. Photo by Osker Lau
AS THE Together on the way, enriching community journey continues Church members from all over Queensland are reflecting on the future of the Church in their own context.

In the light of the Church’s 2020 Call and Vision, five areas of priority for the next two years have been identified.

Focus Group B is working on promoting prayer and spirituality in the Uniting Church throughout Queensland.

Focus Group B convener and Moderator-elect, Rev Kaye Ronalds, said the Uniting Church is a “prayerful, listening church”
but prayer could have a higher priority in the life of the Church.

“Prayer could get more airplay,” said Ms Ronalds.

“As the group began to explore promoting prayer we realised that there are all kinds of prayer happening across the state.

“But we could be doing better at prayer and at both learning about and practising Christian spirituality in its many styles.”

Focus Group B saw that across Queensland most congregations have a prayer group that meets to pray about the life of the congregation and community.

Jane Bell has participated in a prayer group at Trinity Wellington Point Uniting Church for more than 20 years.

“Though the time of week has changed, the purpose remains the same – to pray for our congregation, for the wider church and its leaders, and for our Redlands community and leaders in Government both local and federal,” she said.

“Praying together and hearing how God has answered our prayer or produced changes in situations we couldn’t control encourages our faith.”

Ms Ronalds said the group had heard of exciting prayer groups, seminars and retreats around the state and were interested to hear more.

“Perhaps there are some meeting in hospitals or chapels at aged-care facilities?” said Ms Ronalds.

“I hope that we can have a prayer roster for the week of Synod again this time. I would certainly value the prayers of the Uniting Church.

“We wonder what it might look like to be United in Christ in Prayer?”

To be part of the Focus Group B reference group email kaye.ronalds@ucaqld.com.au.

To see the 2020 Vision visit http://ucaqld.com.au/about-us/about-the-uniting-church-in-queensland/together-on-the-way-enriching-community

Photo : Rev Kaye Ronalds. Photo by Osker Lau