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The art of belonging

Andrew Williams with his winning artwork for the 2008 U.C.I.S calendar. Photo courtesy of Jane Moad
BUDDING AND established young artists are invited to enter the 2012 Calendar Art Competition.

Thirteen artworks will be chosen to create a calendar that showcases and celebrates the life of the Uniting Church across the whole of Queensland.

Young people between the ages of five and 17 can submit their original paintings, drawings, photography, collage or digital design based on the theme “Belonging, together as church”.

Throughout the Together on the way, enriching community journey, congregations and activities of the Church have been
encouraged to think about how the 2020 Vision could be lived out in their community.

This is a chance for creative young people to show what it means for them to be part of the Church by answering the
question: What does belonging as part of the Uniting Church mean to you?

All artworks submitted will be featured online, while winning entries will be featured in the calendar to be distributed across Queensland.

Winning artists also have the opportunity to make a difference to their nominated charity or activity; for each winning entry,
the Queensland Synod will donate $100 towards helping the community.

The competition runs from 1-31 August 2011.

Winning entries will be announced at the 29th Synod meeting on the Sunshine Coast in October.

Congregations, schools and activities of the Uniting Church are encouraged to invite their young people to enter the

Invitation kits will be posted during July.

Calendars will be available from late November 2011.

For more information visit http://ucaqld.com.au/about-us/about-the-uniting-church-in-queensland/together-on-the-way-enriching-community/

Photo : Andrew Williams with his winning artwork for the 2008 U.C.I.S calendar. Photo courtesy of Jane Moad