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UN and WCC heads seek to work closer on climate change


The World Council of Churches says it has reached an agreement with United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-Moon, for the two international bodies to work more closely on several global issues, particularly climate change.

"Global warming will only be resolved through a global common response and we need your help," Ban Ki-Moon said to WCC general secretary, the Rev. Samuel Kobia, and members of his staff, the church council said in a statement after the two leaders met on 3 March. The UN leader was visiting the WCC offices in Geneva at the invitation of Kobia. The two had previously met in New York in October.

Kobia spoke of how the WCC and its more than 340 member churches are working to mobilise towards a better understanding of the impact of global warming and the need to follow through beyond the Kyoto Protocol that pertains to it.

"We welcome your visit to the Antarctica to see the climate change issue first hand," Kobia said. "It was a powerful testimony." He noted, "Working on global warming is a matter of faith. You can count on the WCC as a strong partner in acting together now for the sake of humankind and the rest of creation."

Ban said, "We would like to maintain a close partnership with the WCC." He added. "You have high moral power and what you are doing is based on your Christian beliefs." Saying he was familiar with the work of the WCC he noted that the WCC had played an important role in the democratisation of Korea. Ban Ki-Moon is the first UN chief from Korea. [

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