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Uniting Church acknowledges integrity of Judaism

The Uniting Church in Australia has adopted a statement affirming that the Christian understanding of Jesus is enhanced through closer dialogue with, and openness to, Judaism.

Passed at the 12th Triennial Assembly, the statement names the Uniting Church’s understandings about the Jewish faith and seeks to promote greater understanding between Christians and Jews, and a deeper appreciation of our common heritage.

Associate General Secretary of the Assembly, Rev Glenda Blakefield said the statement was important because of our shared heritage.

“As Christians we need to remember that Jesus of Nazareth lived and died a faithful Jew,” Ms Blakefield said.

“Greater understanding of Judaism enriches our own understanding of the teachings of Jesus.”

The statement also acknowledges the failures of the church in misunderstanding Jewish faith and participating in the growing separation of Christianity and Judaism.

“There has been a history of interpretation of the New Testament which has resulted in anti-Jewish misunderstandings.

“This statement offers repentance for these failings and affirms the integrity of the Jewish faith.”

The statement also encourages Uniting Church members to seek opportunities to meet with those of the Jewish faith and to learn about modern Judaism.

The Uniting Church in Australia continues to pray for a just and lasting peace in Israel and Palestine.