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Uniting Church Assembly goes green

The National Assembly has approved a proposal to go green. In November 2006 the Assembly Standing Committee adopted the statement, For the sake of the planet: A Uniting Church in Australia Statement on Climate Change.

At its recent March meeting, the Assembly Standing Committee considered a report detailing how the Assembly itself could put these principles of that statement into effect in its own life.

The UnitingJustice National Director, Rev. Elenie Poulos, author of the report, said that the Church has a particular responsibility to tread as lightly as it can through God’s creation. “It is vitally important that, at the same time as we are asking our political leaders to make stronger commitments to renewable energy and reduction of greenhouse gases, we are doing all we can to reduce our own environmental footprint,” she said. “Global warming demands an urgent response from individuals, organisations, corporations, governments and churches alike.”

The ASC adopted the recommendations of the report. The first step will be to undertake and an energy audit to assess the Assembly’s environmental footprint. The results of the audit will determine how the Assembly can move to reduce and offset its greenhouse gas emissions, improve its use of clean and renewable energy and support the development of renewable energy through our investments and other action. UnitingJustice has also been asked to prepare a sustainability policy for consideration by the ASC before the end of 2007.

“It is important that the Assembly develop a long-term strategy for the continued reduction of its environmental footprint,” said Elenie. “We must ensure that we are not supporting the continued reliance on fossil fuels and that we are supporting the growth of clean and renewable energies, for the sake of the planet.”