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Uniting Church gave $2.4million for Tsunami relief

The Uniting Church, through our overseas development and emergency relief organisation, Uniting Church Overseas Aid, has received $A.2,413,000 in donations to assist tsunami affected areas. These funds are being distributed as follows:

Sri Lanka: $A.115,000 was provided during the fi rst six months of 2006 to provide emergency relief through our partner, the Church of South India Diocese of Jaffna. A further $A.250,000 is being made available for reconstruction up to early 2006 while in eastern area around Batticaloa, projects to the value of $A.140,000 are currently being implemented.

South India: $A.275,000 has been provided for emergency relief through our partner, the Church of South India. A further $A.600,000 will be provided to support reconstruction programs up to the end of 2005 with some programs that involve support for groups in local communities continuing through 2006.

North India: $A.266,000 has been made available for emergency relief and rehabilitation in the Andaman and Nicobar islands. Our partner, the Church of North India is responsible for this work.

Thailand: $A.37,000 has been provided to assist in the reconstruction of indigenous communities through our partner, the Church of Christ in Thailand. A further $A.39,000 is being made available to purchase fi shing boasts. A further $A.70,000 contribution will be made to projects currently being prepared.

Indonesia: $A.150,000 has been provided for emergency relief through the international agency ACT (Action By Churches Together) while a further $A.150,000 will be made available in the next few months. Smaller grants have been made to local churches in Nias to assist local communities. A further $A.70,000 will be made available shortly.