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Uniting Church Meets Brendan Nelson

Uniting Church President, Rev. Gregor Henderson, Assembly General Secretary, Rev. Terence Corkin, and National Director of UnitingJustice, Rev. Elenie Poulos, have had an encouraging first meeting with Dr Brendan Nelson, leader of the coalition.

“The meeting was held as part of UCA’s ongoing commitment to engage with the political life of the country via both the government and opposition,” said Ms Poulos. “We’re hoping to meet with the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, in the near future and have written to him requesting a meeting.”

The meeting with Dr Nelson focused on developing the relationship between the Uniting Church and the coalition.  Dr Nelson showed a keen interest in learning more about Uniting Church services and activities.  “We’re also committed to meeting each other regularly and communicating about Uniting Church responses to various issues of public policy and community life in Australia,” said Ms Poulos.

Brendan Nelson expressed a firm commitment to ongoing dialogue between the Liberal Party and religious leaders of various traditions.