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Uniting Church welcomes freeze on poker machines

The Moderator of the Uniting Church in Queensland Rev Dr David Pitman
The Moderator of the Uniting Church in Queensland has today welcomed Thursday’s announcement that the Government will put an immediate two year freeze on any new poker machines.

“After years of what seemed like a never-ending increase in poker machine licenses in Queensland it is welcome to see the government recognise the harm caused to problem gamblers,” Dr Pitman said.

“This decision is an important first step in seeking to tackle the serious problem of gambling in the Queensland community.”

“There is a new wave of energy across the Australian community to tackle this issue and it is exciting to see the energy being converted into policy action by the Queensland government.”

“It is now important to take further action in assisting problem gamblers and further regulating the use of poker machines across the state.”

“State governments need to find a way to wean themselves off their reliance on poker machine revenue.”

The Uniting Church has been a strong opponent against the introduction and proliferation of poker machines since before their introduction to Queensland over twenty years ago.

The Church is also on the front line providing assistance and support to those who suffer the consequences of problem gambling through its many agencies and congregations.

“We are encouraged by the Premier’s announcement and look forward to working with the government to reduce the harm caused by problem gambling in the community.”

Photo : The Moderator of the Uniting Church in Queensland Rev Dr David Pitman