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US Christian leader and climate change “convert” visits Queensland


Reverend Richard Cizik, a respected American Christian leader dubbed the “Earthy Evangelist” by The New York Times, will visit Australia in November to highlight the need for urgent action on climate change.

Included in 2008 in TIME magazine’s list of “TIME 100” most influential people for his work in bringing together scientific and evangelical communities, Mr Cizik brings a wealth of experience to advocacy on this critical global issue.

Mr Cizik is Vice President for Governmental Affairs with the US National Association of Evangelicals (NAE).  While in Australia he will meet with Christian leaders and politicians, and to address a series of conferences and public gatherings on the need to work together to tackle climate change.

Mr Cizik was first “converted” to the cause of climate change when he heard distinguished climate scientist and evangelical Christian Sir John Houghton speak in Oxford in 2002. Motivated by the biblical mandate to care for the creation and the conviction that climate change is a “pro-life” concern.  Mr Cizik has since been an advocate for action on climate change within the US evangelical community and beyond.

Mr Cizik’s visit, which is jointly sponsored by research organisation The Climate Institute, aid agencies World Vision and TEAR Australia, and the Australian Evangelical Alliance, comes at a very important time, both nationally and internationally. In December, the Australian government is set to release its interim greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, and detailed plans for the introduction of its Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme. The world’s leaders have until the end of 2009 to reach an international climate agreement that will achieve the necessary deep global emissions cuts, and that will protect lives and livelihoods.

Mr Cizik will speak about the Christian call to action on climate change on Tuesday 11th November 7pm, Seminar, Kenmore Baptist Church, Brisbane.

Other speakers are Rev. Dr Peter Ralphs, Bible College of Queensland, and Dr Brett Parris, World Vision.