President of the National Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia Rev. Gregor Henderson today called on Australians to reflect carefully on their vote next Saturday.
“In the lead up to this important occasion for the future of our nation, I urge each Australian to reflect deeply on the policies outlined by each of the parties and candidates at this election,” Mr Henderson said.
“Each person’s vote is their voice; just as our elected representatives are accountable to us for their actions, we are accountable to each other for our voting choices. Making an informed choice about our vote is of vital importance.
“The Uniting Church advocates political approaches that take into account the marginalised, broaden and deepen community life and engagement, and nurture respectful relationships with our neighbours and our environment. Our response to the Christian gospel, and the experiences drawn from our involvement with the most vulnerable in the Australian community, will continue to inform our approach to national affairs.
“We have continually called on our elected representatives to show a commitment to the principles of justice, peace and hope in their approach to issues including poverty, Indigenous health and rights, international aid and development, climate change, asylum seekers and refugees, work justice, rural and remote communities, education and health.
“At this important election, I call on all Australians to use their vote to share a vision of hope – the hope that together we can build a society of compassion, justice and peace.”
The National Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia has prepared a set of non-partisan resources for Church members that invite people to consider their vote in the light of Christian values. The resource is entitled “Growing a Nation of Hope” and is available at
Photo : Uniting Church President Rev Gregor Henderson