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W.A. Synod supports call for Australian Bill of Rights

The Western Australian Synod of the Uniting Church has expressed its support for an Australian Bill of Rights, distancing the church from the stance of the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL).

While the ACL has praised both the Federal Government and the Opposition for their opposition to an Australian Bill of Rights, the Uniting Church wants it known that not all Christians agree.

The National Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia last year passed its own Statement on Human Rights, “Dignity in Humanity: Recognising Christ in Every Person,” and has consistently advocated for human rights to be taken seriously in Australia.

Where the ACL argues a Bill of Rights can lead to a “self-centred and litigious culture”, the Uniting Church’s WA Moderator, Robert Watson, said today, “A national Bill of Rights would set the benchmark for minimum standards to be met.

“We believe most Australians want to see their human rights, and the rights of their fellows, to be protected.

“The Uniting Church’s recent submission to the WA State Government in support of its proposed Human Rights Act recommended the broadening of its coverage.”

Associate General Secretary, Justice and Mission, Rosemary Hudson Miller, said Australians were called on to care for and support the most vulnerable in society, and a range of instruments, including legislation and a Bill of Rights, were needed to safeguard people’s basic freedoms.

“We have seen recent counter-terrorism legislation introduced in this country which allows some teenagers to be locked up for 14 days without charge and without the ability to notify their parents of their whereabouts. These kinds of draconian measures show how fragile our Human Rights protection is in this country,” said Ms Hudson Miller.