Visitors and members of the 11th Assembly can look forward to an exciting Bible Study program headed by one of Africa’s most gifted evangelistic preachers, Rev Dr Mvume Dandala.
A South African Methodist, who served as the Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church in Southern Africa during and after the apartheid era, Mr Dandala promises to bring a fresh take on the Assembly Theme, God’s Word, God’s World.
Uniting Church President-Elect Rev Gregor Henderson said although exact details of the Assembly Bible Studies were still a well-guarded secret, Mr Dandala’s studies would draw heavily on his passion for mission, evangelism, social justice and human need.
“Mvume is the current General Secretary of the All African Council of Churches (AACC), an ecumenical fellowship formed in 1963 to represent more than 120 million Christians from 133 churhes in 39 African countries.
“Mvume is leading the AACC in the battle against HIV/AIDS on behalf of the millions who suffer and thousands of children who have been orphaned.
“He is also deeply committed to the world ecumenical and mission movements and is really excited about helping members of the Uniting Church unpack and explore the missional nature of our Assembly theme,” said Mr Henderson.
“In the World Council of Churches he’s regarded as being in the vanguard of the new African world leadership of the ecumenical movement and of the church worldwide.”
“He has a proven record of courage and determination in leading the church in South Africa and all over Africa to address issues of injustice and human need.”
Full details of the Bible Study program for the 11th Assembly will be available on the website in the coming month.
Photo : Assembly Bible study leader Rev Dr Mvume Dandala