The South East Queensland Youth leader Training Weekend has scratched an itch for practical hands on training in youth ministry for forty youth leaders gathered from around the south east corner.
Youth and Children’s Ministry Unit Director, Michael Jeffrey, was really encouraged by the level of the commitment of the leaders to their training.
"There was a real buzz around the place and people were very positive about their church and using their gifts in discipling young people," he said.
"I can’t wait to do this again in Central Queensland and North Queensland." One young leader didn’t know what to expect but found the weekend ‘mind blowing’.
"As a young person myself, I have so many ideas. This weekend has really helped form these million ideas in my head into firm goals that I hope to pass on to the leaders of youth ministry in our church."
Another youth leader said: "The weekend was a valuable learning experience for me because it taught me how to build on my leadership skills." The weekend was organized by Paul Yarrow and Tom Kerr as part of their regional work in Bremer Brisbane, Moreton Rivers and South Moreton Presbyteries.
YACMU offers a special thank you to Louise Edwards and Duncan Macleod their leadership on the weekend. ()
Photo : Young people from Mooloolabah UC at the youth leadership training weekend.