Week in review
Rewriting the fairy tales of disability
This article describes a book that is as unusual as it is timely. It is at once both autobiography and social history. In the book, Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability and Making Space, Amanda Leduc considers the way in which fairy stories (and their modern kin: Disney films, superhero and fantasy movies) imagine disability—and how that imagination, in turn, shapes societal perceptions of disabled bodies and minds. She does this by expertly braiding the history of the genre and the various tropes it has spawned with the story of how these have shaped her own life as a disabled woman. Read more…
You can pre-order your copy now.
Call to action
Take the ethical fashion challenge
You can take a stand against worker exploitation and modern slavery. Sign up to join this action: seven pieces, seven outfits, from Monday 21–Sunday 27 October. Use the Ethical Fashion Guide to rate the brands of the items you wear each day and post on social media. Challenge yourself and sign up today!
Raise the Rate
In a wealthy country like Australia, we should all have enough to put a roof over our head and food on the table. However, more than three quarters of a million people in communities across Australia live on unemployment and student payments that do not cover the cost of housing, food, transport and healthcare.
Join the Deputy Premier the Hon Jackie Trad MP and CEO Australian Council of Social Service Dr Cassandra Goldie for this forum hosted by Micah Projects to celebrate Anti Poverty Week. The free event will be held from 10.30am–12.30pm on 18 October at Kurilpa Hall, 174 Boundary Street, West End. To register, click here.
Discover the human element behind crises in the news
Red Cross aid workers and emergency personnel will speak at a Queensland University of Technology event about their experiences on the frontline. This free event will be held on 17 October from 5.30pm in the Gibson Room, Queensland University of Technology, Gardens Point campus. To register, click here.