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Friday’s religion wrap

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week. 

Christians start “Faithbook” after social media ban

The Christian Post reports on a new social media platform, SocialCross, which is being dubbed as an alternative to Facebook. Created by Christians banned from Facebook for posting controversial statements on LGBT issues, SocialCross currently has 2300 users and is billed as a “Christian site, run by Christians, designed by Christians and based on biblical principles”.

One of the co-founders, Rich Penkoski, had a clear message for others who want to join who don’t share his deeply Christian beliefs: “Anybody and their brother can join so long as they understand that we are a Christian site run by Christians.”

Secular events off the menu at church venue

The Guardian reports on a central London church’s ban to allow non-religious hiring of its space as a concert venue or rehearsal space which has caused heavy pushback from many professional ensembles who use the space for concerts.

St Sepulchre-without-Newgate Church has long been known as the “National Musicians’” church and the ashes of Sir Henry Wood (founder of the Proms) is in its chapel to commemorate eminent musicians. But now the church has declared professional and amateur musicians and ensembles can no longer use the church but admit the decision was not easy.

Somali Christians under attack by radical Islamists

Horrifying news from Townhall with a story of Somali Christians being executed by radical Islamists for refusing to cite Koranic passages. Christians face extreme persecution in some parts of Africa were Islamists have instituted a campaign of fear and murder against non-believers of the Islamic faith.

Members of a church were also beheaded recently by Jihadists in Lamu, Kenya.

Jesus would have walked alongside Trump?

The Hill reports on statements by a member of President Trump’s faith council who insists that Jesus would have walked alongside President Trump and would not have turned away from those who may have seemed brash.

Southern Evangelical Seminary President Dr Richard Land said, “He did not cease praying for and ministering to those who were struggling … As Christians we must do the same, especially when they reach out for our counsel and ask for our advice.”

This comes after Rev A.R. Bernard quit the faith council due to “deepening conflict in values” with the White House.

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