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Current Queensland Synod moderator, Rev David Baker.
Queensland Synod moderator, Rev David Baker. Photo: Supplied

Moderator’s prayer for the bushfires

On Sunday 1 December, the Queensland Synod will join with the NSW/ACT Synod in holding a day of prayer for the bushfires. On what is the first day of Advent, this will be a special day to acknowledge the efforts of all our emergency services, local authorities, volunteers and community members who continue to play a vital part in fighting the state-wide bushfires.


Lord, we lift up our hearts to you.
Some of us live in communities pushed to the edge by drought and fire.
We don’t know when this will end; some of us feel that we’re at the end of our tether.
Many of us live in cities where we feel helpless in seeing the plight of our fellow Australians.
We have seen our fellow Australians grieving the loss of family and that which was precious to them.
We have seen the destruction of our natural environment, the trauma of stock and native animals.
We have felt frustrated that national leaders have engaged in point-scoring and conflict.
And yet, we have seen the courage and dedication of fire fighters and disaster relief workers.
We have seen communities rally together to support each other.
We have known love, encouragement and support.
Strengthen us for the days ahead.
Keep us mindful of each other.
Give us a voice to speak when we need help.
Give us ears and a heart to hear and respond.
Thank you that you are present through it all; that your love will never fail, and that you will never forsake us.
May we draw hope and strength from your presence, ever with us.
In Christ’s name,

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