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Tag Archives: Bible study

Let’s start talking about mental health

Sue Hutchinson is passionate about starting the conversation about mental health

New resources will help Uniting Churches to create safe spaces to talk about mental health. Dianne Jensen reports. The most powerful conversations are often the hardest to begin, and Synod research officer Sue Hutchinson understands that mental health is a confronting topic for church communities. Sue has coordinated the new Called to care suite of mental health resources for Uniting ...

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Travel guides for the Lenten journey

Lent for Everyone, by NT Wright; Lent Event and The Last Week, by Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan.

For many Uniting Church members Lent is a time for spiritual reflection and for participating in Bible study. Lent gives us a special focus in the journey towards Easter as we observe the death of Christ and the celebration of resurrection, writes Neil Thorpe. In the early Church, Lent was a time of preparation for the baptisms which would take ...

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