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Tag Archives: congregations

Tips for reuniting agencies and congregations

Rev Linda Hamill. Graphic by Holly Jewell.

Following her Unchained session at the 32nd Synod exploring the relationship between congregations and agencies, Rev Linda Hamill outlines some practical ways to strengthen the ties. Relationships can be an emotional minefield for some, blissfully trouble-free for others. In particular many can relate to parents raising a child to be independent and then negotiating the evolving dynamics as the parent-child ...

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Many parts, one body: multisite churches

Roof of a Uniting Church in Warrick.

A report by the US-based Leadership Network reported by Religion News Service suggests that “The vast majority of multisite churches are growing … and they are seeing more involvement from lay people and newcomers after they open an additional location.” The Uniting Church is no stranger to the multisite model, with both regional and city-based churches forming clusters where mulitple congregations share a ...

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Emmanuel rejoices

Multicultural service at Cairns Emmanuel Uniting Church

Cairns Emmanuel Uniting Church is one of the most culturally diverse in Queensland. Rohan Salmond spoke to interim minister Rev Peter Woodward. What’s happening in your congregation? The Emmanuel Congregation is in a period of transition. I’m the intentional interim minister for 2013, but the processes of calling a minister to commence in early 2014 is well in hand. The ...

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