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Tag Archives: Faith Unraveled

Rachel Held Evans: Busting myths about millennials

Rachel Held Evans. Photo was supplied.

A millennial’s reasons for staying, leaving and returning to church are as rich and complex as the generation itself. Ashley Thompson speaks with New York Times best-selling author Rachel Held Evans about why Generation Y isn’t as shallow as you might think. A self-described introvert and “doubt-filled believer” from the small town of Dayton, Tennessee, Rachel Held Evans writes with ...

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In search for a community of Christ

Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evans, Thomas Nelson Publishers (2015) $19.99.

Rachel Held Evans is a young, thoughtful, hyperconnected woman of faith—and she has a troubled relationship with church. Having grown up in, then left, an evangelical nondenominational church, she is broadly representative of a generation of millennials that have grown up in churches but now in adulthood struggle with the baggage heaped upon them by their received traditions. Research suggests ...

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