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Tag Archives: gay Christian

God’s house should be a safe house

Rainbow colour post-it notes.

“Mum, I just want to tell you I’m gay.” These are the heart-stopping words that greet countless parents both inside and outside the church. As a Christian with pretty black-and-white views on homosexuality, I never thought this would happen to me because my son was a Christian! But it did happen. Late one night 12 years ago my son drove ...

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Sexuality: What’s the big deal?

Stretching Faith

Last month, young adults across Queensland gathered to talk about holistic sexuality with Uniting Church President, Rev Dr Andrew Dutney. Ashley Goetze reports. Suggestively titled Theology between the sheets, bashfulness soon subsided in exchange for sincere questions surrounding the nation’s fixation on Biblical interpretations regarding same-sex marriage. As one young person asked, “What’s the big deal?” Uniting Church President Rev Dr Andrew Dutney answered, ...

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