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Tag Archives: Lynette Drew

You asked for it: new Safe Ministry resources

iStock youth photo.

A new suite of resources to assist the church to be a safe place for children and young people was launched in March this year. Mardi Lumsden reports. The new Safe Ministry with Children resources are the result of feedback from congregations, collaboration between the Synod office, presbyteries and several committees, and a commitment that the church’s ministry with children ...

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Keeping kids safe at church

Child Safe Church training held at the Logan Central Multicultural Uniting Church. Photo was supplied.

Jesus gave unequivocal instruction about the importance and care of children. Journey explores how this is enacted in the Uniting Church today. While the church has been at the forefront of caring for children from the earliest days of rescuing abandoned orphans to pioneering widespread education, recent investigation and reporting has demonstrated that churches and church institutions have not always ...

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