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Tag Archives: Mary

Breaking bad biblical bigotry

Photo of a Bible open on a bedside table with a blurred out family photo.

Using biblical texts to stereotype women does immense damage to society. Rev Dr Anita Monro explores the overt and subtle consequences of sexism. Mary, mother of Jesus (the virgin) and Mary Magdalene (the alleged prostitute): that’s how we remember two of the key leaders of the early Christian movement. That kind of stereotyping of women is identifiable throughout history. Whether ...

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Five nativity no-noes

Home-made nativity set. Photo by Anna Lagos and Holly Jewell.

We all know that you should never work with children or animals, yet the annual nativity play is a cherished tradition in which church communities across Australia re-enact a story precious to our faith. Journey staff present the following tips to ensure that your nativity play is an angelic experience. Apocalypse now Much wailing and gnashing of teeth is caused ...

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