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Tag Archives: Muslims

Letters August 2017

Letters to the editor graphic by Uniting Communications.

Radical love but what next? Thank you Rev Dr Peter Hobson for your challenge for us to join the mustard-seed conspiracy in response to violence and terror in our world (July 2017 edition). This is indeed a radical (at the root) response. In the safety and privacy of our homes and local churches, it is not hard to picture praying ...

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Breaking bread together at Iftar

In a sign of solidarity and friendship with the Muslim community of South East Queensland, the Queensland Synod has hosted its first Iftar dinner with Muslim partners. Synod research officer Sue Hutchinson reports. Ramadan is a significant and sacred time for Muslims, marked by fasting from sun-up to sunset. The Iftar meal is the daily “breaking of the fast” during ...

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There is no “them”

Queensland Synod Moderator, Rev David Baker on a tour of the western part of Central Queensland Presbytery. Photo by Dianne Jensen.

When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on Earth? “We are as guarded and concerned about our place here as we ever have been. Some in our community are not sure if we’re welcome,” says a Queensland Muslim leader. “We are reaching out to our young men who are vulnerable —without work, from broken homes, seeking to ...

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Love your neighbour

(Left to right) Philippa Core, Dr Nora Amath, Rev Heather Griffin, Rev Suzy Sitton. Photos by Rohan Salmond.

Since the activities of the so-called Islamic State have made the news, anti-Muslim sentiment in Australia has been at an all-time high. Rohan Salmond speaks to some interfaith activists working to build understanding across religious lines. A black silhouette wielding a knife stands over a man kneeling in an orange jumpsuit. It’s an image so powerful it has reached around ...

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