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Tag Archives: New Year

Let go and live

Time for a clear out? Photo: Holly Jewell

Can’t get your car into your garage because of all those boxes stored in the back? Dianne Jensen explores why letting go of stuff is good for body and soul.  What do the following items have in common: an open bottle of olive oil, coat hangers, a rainbow of Taekwondo belts, a tangle of computer leads and a handful of ...

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Five New Year’s resolutions for your congregation

Five New Year's resolutions for your congregation. Graphic by Ashleigh Pesu.

There’s nothing like the New Year to turn our minds towards setting new goals. Here are some suggestions on how to make the most of your New Year’s fresh start. Update your church sign The sign outside your church provides that critical first impression. Will people pause for thought or flee for the hills? Consider the most appropriate use of ...

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February Journey now available

In pursuit of a fresh perspective The February edition of Journey is available to read and download. A new year gives you the chance to look at things a bit differently. Did you stick to your New Year’s resolution, making you experience the world through a different routine? Perhaps you made a new friend over the Christmas break, which has helped you ...

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