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Tag Archives: Palliative Care

Letter August 2014

Rainbow colour post-it notes.

Wesley palliative care is not new I read with interest your article entitled “Prepare to Meet your Maker” (Journey, July 2014, page 12). I found this enlightening and informative and was pleased to read of the work being undertaken in palliative care at the Wesley Hospital. However I and several ex-colleagues were somewhat taken aback by the opening comments in ...

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Prepare to meet your maker

UnitingCare Health chaplain, Julie MacKay-Rankin, with a patient in the Wesley Hospital's Palliative Care unit Ward 4A. Photo was supplied.

Are you prepared to die? New research shows Australians are dropping the ball and not planning ahead. Ashley Thompson explores the world of life before death. Twelve years ago a palliative care unit at Brisbane’s Wesley Hospital did not exist. Today, Ward 4A buzzes with nurses and chaplains committed to journeying with patients through the end of life phase. UnitingCare ...

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