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Tag Archives: resurrection

The BIG ACT you MUST do this Easter to really embody Jesus

At the heart of the Easter narrative is a miraculous tale of life after death, of sacrifice and renewal, but how can we practise this concept of resurrection in today’s world? Dr John Frederick—Trinity College Queensland’s New Testament Lecturer—reflects on Jesus’ miracle and how Uniting Church members can embody resurrection in their own faith communities. With the coming of Easter, ...

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5 times Jesus said “I am” and what he meant

Flip through the Book of John and you’ll find numerous times Jesus states, “I am …”, but what was he really getting at with these proclamations. Journey highlights five key times Jesus told us what he was and what he really meant by his statements. Jesus said “I am the resurrection and the life”, not “I am the triple bypass” ...

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Resurrection and renewal

The Year of Living the Gospel.

Resurrection is at the core of Christian faith. Rev Dr Anita Monro reflects on how this dramatic part of the Easter story means renewal for our lives. Jesus’ dramatic story has several acts. It’s not just about birth and death, it’s not only about healing and teaching, it’s also equally about resurrection. But what does that act of the drama ...

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Letters May 2014

Rainbow colour post-it notes.

To the editor, Regarding Rev Mel Perkins’ comments (Journey, April 2014, pages 6 and 7). The Easter story doesn’t disturb me. The way the church interprets it does. I agree with Rev Peter Lockhart that we are “almost obsessed with the sin and death part” of the Easter story. I am frustrated by the doom and gloom of Easter—especially Tenebrae ...

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