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Tag Archives: Trinity Theological Library

Disturbing book launch explores the Basis

Rev Dr Geoff Thompson at the recent launch of his book, Trinity Theological Library, Brisbane. Photo by Mardi Lumsden.

Journey sits down with Rev Dr Geoff Thompson to discuss his new book on the Basis of Union and its relevancy to issues alive in the church today. A new book by Rev Dr Geoff Thompson exploring the Uniting Church in Australia’s foundational document, the Basis of Union, recently brought the former principal of Trinity Theological College back to Queensland ...

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Rachel Held Evans: Busting myths about millennials

Rachel Held Evans. Photo was supplied.

A millennial’s reasons for staying, leaving and returning to church are as rich and complex as the generation itself. Ashley Thompson speaks with New York Times best-selling author Rachel Held Evans about why Generation Y isn’t as shallow as you might think. A self-described introvert and “doubt-filled believer” from the small town of Dayton, Tennessee, Rachel Held Evans writes with ...

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