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Tag Archives: Uniting Church schools

Five questions to ask when choosing a Uniting Church school

Young school boy hugging this mother goodbye. Photo: iStock

The Uniting Church in Queensland has ten schools under its banner. These schools represent a vast variety of histories, offerings, specialisations, geographic locations and cost structures. Here are five questions to ask yourself when deciding which school is right for your child or grandchild. Do I support the ethos? Though schools may come under the Uniting Church banner, each school ...

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Give from God’s providence

Uniting Church Queensland Synod Moderator Rev Kaye Ronalds

I had a delightful conversation with a senior student from one of our Uniting Church schools. He is considering spending a gap year to support a community in a developing country. He thinks he would like the challenge of a cross-cultural experience. Together we chatted about options for volunteering with an Indigenous community, UnitingWorld or another community organisation. He explained ...

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