There’s nothing like the New Year to turn our minds towards setting new goals. Here are some suggestions on how to make the most of your New Year’s fresh start.
Update your church sign
The sign outside your church provides that critical first impression. Will people pause for thought or flee for the hills? Consider the most appropriate use of the space and how often you are prepared to update. Use a clean font and keep the content short and sweet.
Be considerate of visitors
Clearly displayed and unambiguous signage is a health and safety basic as well as providing important information about how to navigate church facilities. Put yourself in the shoes of a newcomer—is your church signage using jargon? A sign reading “Women on Fire in the hall 6 pm” should probably be rephrased.
Use the tools at hand
Local newspaper, television and radio are important communication tools but don’t underestimate the reach of school newsletters, community centres and professional offices. Think about your target market and plan accordingly. These days everyone’s grandma is already on Facebook so don’t let those whippersnappers fool you into thinking that social media is hard. It’s a darn sight easier than using a roneo machine and you won’t get purple ink on your fingers.
Raise your voice
Use the Stats have Faces resource to create a snapshot of your neighbourhood and to help discern your mission priorities. Can you partner with existing Uniting Church agencies and community organisations in your area? The Uniting Church is recognised across Australia for our commitment to community service and advocacy for the disadvantaged, so don’t be shy about claiming a seat at the table with the movers and shakers.
Worship all week
Don’t be a Sundays-only church. Your church facilities are there every day, so start thinking outside the box about how to be a worshipping community all week. Not every church is big enough to hold multiple services but consider hosting public meetings, fundraising morning teas, community craft groups and Bible studies on site. Move the pews back and plug in the kettle; it’s our father’s house so make yourself at home.
The Uniting Communications roadshows are tailored to meet your specific communication needs, so get in touch with Ashley Thompson on 3377 9834 or to find out more.