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Carers needed to foster a better life for vulnerable children

Across Queensland, thousands of foster carers open their hearts and homes to provide a safe and nurturing space to children in need, but many more are urgently needed. UnitingCare’s Foster and Kinship state manager, Amanda Moormann, explained the urgency is due to more children coming into care than foster care places.

“These are vulnerable children that come to need care outside their family unit for wide and various reasons,” Ms Moormann said. “Our foster carers provide them with a safe and nurturing place where they can be cared for. However, for us to be able to provide this service, we urgently need more people to open their hearts and homes to becoming a carer.”

Ms Moormann acknowledged it could be overwhelming to open up one’s home to a child in need; however, a whole network of resources and services is available to support people along the journey. “There is training, counselling, mentoring support, and carer network groups, and our expert team provides ongoing support and walks the journey with our carers. Ultimately, being a foster carer is incredibly rewarding. There is so much to gain, especially knowing you can give security and comfort to a young person.”

Could you be a foster carer? If you can help, click here

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