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Theo Masselos, Pastoral Care Manager, Buderim Private Hospital

“Empathy goes a long way”- Queensland Mental Health Week.

By Andrew McKaysmith, Synod Writer and Content Creator.

Queensland Mental Health Week is an awareness week that aims to break down the stigma associated with mental health and well-being conditions.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 3.4 million Australians sought assistance for their mental health in 2020-21, with women more likely to experience higher psychological stress than men.

Theo Masselos is the Pastoral Care Manager at Buderim Private Hospital; he said he wants to see continuing positive change in the community toward mental health.

“Mental health is such a broad issue. It also covers things people may not think about, such as dignity, respect and compassion,” he said.

“Let’s acknowledge our humanity; let’s be curious to gain insight rather than being distant from those who may be suffering. It would be terrific if Queensland Mental Health Week could help add to the continued changing of perceptions.”

According to Theo, people in some scenarios suffering from mental health conditions contend with generalisations about their condition.

He said it was common to hear patients he works with describe their frustration at not being treated by parts of the community as they hope, as just ordinary human beings.

“Empathy goes a long way; a lot of people dealing with mental health would just really respond so much if that was given to them,” he said.

“Sadly, some patients can feel stereotyped, and there are generalisations. Some also have described feeling as though they have been demonised and scapegoated.”

Fortunately, access to help is readily available and can be done appropriately.

Theo said there are numerous resources and that many mental health practitioners are passionately devoted to helping people obtain the assistance they need.

“Let’s tap into what’s out there. Whether it’s facilities, programs, or those who consider helping people more than just a job, it’s their vocation.”

Queensland Mental Health Week’s website contains links to resources enabling confidential access to an array of services, as does the Government’s Find a mental health service web page.


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