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Formed by the power of music

IT IS POSSIBLE that when it comes to shaping our theology the music in our worship is far more influential than the word: spoken, read or preached. Protestant reformer John Calvin said music has a “sacred and almost incredible power to move hearts in one way or another” and Uniting Church Minister and hymn writer Rev David MacGregor would agree. ...

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Music can shape our mission

WE SING songs and hymns as an act of worship but the lyrics of the music can actually shape a congregation’s attitudes and missional practice. Ann-Maree Whelan, who has studied ecumenism with the World Council of Churches in Geneva, believes it is possible that some hymns, from another place and time, can shape our understanding of mission in our contemporary ...

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Sexuality: a way forward, but no consensus

The Uniting Church has decided against trying to reach consensus at present on a policy about homosexual people in positions of ministry and leadership. Members of its 11th Assembly meeting in Brisbane agreed they were “not of one mind” on the issue of accepting into ministry people who were living in a committed same-gender sexual relationships. They said that “notwithstanding ...

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Assembly establishes new Ministry of Pastor

In a move which could dramatically change the face of leadership in the Uniting Church in Australia the 11th Assembly voted on Monday to establish a Ministry of Pastor. Starting in January 2008 this ministry will take in all those who currently would serve as Lay Pastors and Community Ministers and most youth workers. Pastors will be lay church workers ...

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‘Beaut’ award recognises Congress head

Vince Ross says he is determined not to let his recent elevation to high-profile national positions get in the way of his purpose. The Madi-Madi man from the Murrumbidgee Area has had a busy year. He has been elected Chairperson of the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress and was named National Aboriginal Elder (male) for the next 12 months ...

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Chaplains in front line for Uniting Church

Defence Force chaplains give their time and energy to minister to Australian forces serving in frontline conflicts. But they don’t necessarily agree with military action. Such ethical and theological tensions are balanced admirably by the Uniting Church’s 19 full-time defence force chaplains, according to the Rev. Gale Hall. Mr Hall was speaking during a question and answer session on the ...

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Church ponders urgent changes to lay ministry

A report proposing major changes in non-ordained specified ministries, a major agenda item for the Uniting Church’s 11th Assembly, were discussed in working groups on Saturday afternoon, July 8. From time to time and place to place, the report from the Specified Ministries Task Group appointed after the 2003 Assembly, points to the Basis of Union’s call for the Uniting ...

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South African minister guides churches in country’s rehabilitation

With commitment forged in South Africa’s era of civil disobedience, boycotts and torture, when the role of pastors in community leadership was crucial, Assembly Bible study leader the Rev. Dr Mvume Dandala is now helping his church face its biggest challenge: contributing to the new Africa. While still a young teenager the Mvume Dandala began preaching and was mentored and ...

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Sexuality: the Uniting Church is not alone

The Uniting Church is not alone when it comes to talking — and deciding — about sexuality, ministry and leadership. During the last month, British Methodists, the Church of Scotland, the Episcopalian (Anglican) Church in the United States and US Presbyterians have all been caught up in the same issue. All of them have also had to deal with the ...

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New President committed to the community

The new president of the Uniting Church in Australia, the Rev. Gregor Henderson, hopes the theme “God’s Word, God’s World” will call members of the church’s 11th Assembly back to the basics of their faith. The Assembly — the church’s national council — is meeting in Brisbane from July 5 to 11. “Our primary calling is to be a church ...

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