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‘Cease being divisive, get on with mission,’ urges new President

The new President of the Uniting Church has challenged local congregations across the country to get on with mission — finding new ways to connect with the 80 per cent of Australians who no longer have regular contact with the church. The Rev. Gregor Henderson was installed as the 11th President of the Uniting Church in Australia during the opening ...

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Jesus is already there

Mckay Patrol minister Rev Garry Hardingham reflects in a light-hearted way about the move north that happens in the cooler months of the year. WITH THE wet season finishes the invasion begins. It’s that time of the year when the grey nomads and geriatric gypsies from places down in the frozen wastes of southern Australia start invading our warmer climes. ...

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Discerning truth is a corporate process

MODERATOR OF the Queensland Synod Rev Dr David Pitman believes that one of the most serious challenges facing the Uniting Church is a breakdown of relationships. He sees this evidenced in a loss of trust and a widespread tendency for people to blame those with whom they disagree for the dilemma the church is in over the debate on sexuality ...

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Homoousios: A 100 year debate

THEOLOGICAL DEBATE is nothing new for the Christian church and just like today earlier disagreements were not easily resolved. In the early fourth century a debate erupted over the concept of ‘homoousios’, a Greek word used to describe Jesus being of the same essence, being or substance as the Father. A hundred years earlier Origen, a theologian based in Alexandria ...

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Sex and splits: it’s what the media talks about

IF THERE is one thing that the media loves it’s a good fight, and the continuing debate over sexuality and leadership in the Uniting Church in Australia has been an established favourite. Journey has researched the recent interest of major daily newspapers in this issue and predicts that media interest in the discussions at the 11th Assembly in Brisbane this ...

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20 years and still talking

After more than 20 years talking about sexuality and leadership, the conversation looks set to continue. Journey presents a short history of a divisive issue. WHEN THE NEWS of Resolution 84 first hit newspaper headlines on 14 July 2003 many people inside and outside the Uniting Church were surprised and even shocked. They would have been more surprised to discover ...

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Moderator damns government over Mary River

Queensland Synod moderator Rev Dr David Pitman marched on the ALP Convention in Brisbane in early June with residents who will be displaced by the proposed Traveston Crossing dam in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Dr Pitman had earlier met with effected residents in the Mary Valley and toured the central Traveston Valley to meet local people and gain a more ...

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Uniting Church Moderator damns government treatment

Queensland’s moderator is supporting residents who will be displaced by the proposed Traveston Crossing dam in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Moderator of the Uniting Church Rev Dr David Pitman met with effected residents at Imbil on Thursday evening and toured the central Mary Valley on Friday to meet local people and gain a more complete understanding of the issues. Dr ...

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Randy Stonehill: still loud and loving it

When Randy Stonehill was nominated to the International Gospel Music Hall of Fame he had two responses. At first he said, “Wow!” After a moment he added, “Am I that old?” Performing since 17 years of age, Randy is a pioneer of contemporary Christian music who has pointed hundreds of thousands to the risen Jesus for the past 37 years. ...

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