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Reflection – Called to be free

Hear the good news! We have been set free by Jesus Christ and there is a purpose to our holy freedom!

What have we been set free from? From the burdens of sin and guilt, and from the burdensome expectations that society places on us, and we place upon ourselves. This is freedom from the smothering blanket of conformity, demands, guilt and manipulation; freedom from the desperate and hopeless quest to be ‘good enough’; freedom from the demands of competition and comparison; freedom from the need to be hurtful and harmful to those who ‘get in our way’. This freedom is a calling, and something we must live in to. At times we do fall back into fear and slavery, but the Spirit always leads us on in the Christ-formed pattern of overcoming that God named as discipleship.

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are loved and forgiven; dearly cherished by God; called to a holy purpose; free for freedom’s sake. The freedom to do what? To do good. To bless, to encourage, to mend, to heal, to lift up, to serve others humbly in love (Gal 5:13). We have been freed to set others free. What a precious gift this is, and how easy it often is to do good. One small kind word or act, can make someone’s day. What good have you been set free to do today?


Adam Tipple is the Presbytery Chairperson, The Presbytery of The Downs. 

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