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Search Results for: day camp

Ecumenical media workshop a hit

“FANTASTIC PRESENTERS – a day full of entertainment and learning” was one of the many enthusiastic evaluations from participants at the Communications Training Day held on 1 August at the University of Queensland (UQ) St Lucia Campus. The event was hosted by the Queensland chapter of the Australasian Religious Press Association (ARPA) and brought together more than 50 people from ...

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Reflections on the Fitzgerald era: The prisoner

I WAS IN Boggo Rd pre-Fitzgerald as a 17 and 18-year-old and then again just after Fitzgerald. I watched Fitzgerald unfold, I got out of prison and my life changed. We started Sisters Inside. I studied social work and more recently became a lawyer. Throughout all of this time I’ve watched and wondered just what happened about our dreams and ...

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Uniting Church supports Fijian Methodist leaders taken by army

The Uniting Church in Australia has today offered its prayerful support for the Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma, the day after four Methodist Church leaders were detained at the Army Camp. The Uniting Church received word overnight that the Methodist Church’s General Secretary, Accountant, and two Past Presidents were all being held at the Army Camp for interrogation. The ...

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Fijian Methodist activist visits Brisbane

A leading NGO leader from Fiji will be speaking at the University of Queensland on Monday afternoon, July 20, bringing a rare and highly informed view of what is happening and likely to happen in Fiji, now under a military dictatorship and suspended from major regional and global organizations. Rev Akuila Yabaki, CEO of the Fiji governance and human rights ...

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Shalom looking forward

THE CRYSTAL Creek campus of Shalom College is getting a makeover. The campus, used for Indigenous young people disengaged from mainstream education, is an outdoor education centre half way between Townsville and Ingham. The main campus of Shalom College, a K-12 boarding and day school supported by the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress, is located in the western suburbs ...

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Having faith in teachers

By Mardi Lumsden PEOPLE GO into teaching professions for many reasons. Perhaps they were inspired by a great teacher or determined that they could do better than a teacher they didn’t like. But coming in contact with so many young people every day creates a special duty for teachers. It is more than a duty of care. For many, it ...

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UnitingWorld responds to crisis in Sri Lanka

UnitingWorld has today launched an emergency appeal to respond to the ‘humanitarian crisis’ unfolding in Sri Lanka. This appeal is in response to desperate pleas for assistance from Uniting Church partners in Sri Lanka and Sri Lankan Uniting Church members following the recent military victory over the LTTE. Within the Church, Tamil and Sinhalese members have spoken of their anguish ...

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Easter for Gen Y Social Networkers

TOMB EMPTY. BODY GONE. That is all the Twitter message said. Then longer SMS messages began to fly. What’s happening? :-(. BTW guards gone 2. The photos appeared first on Facebook. Grainy mobile phone picture taken in the half light of dawn. Somebody started a Facebook page Where is Jesus? Within hours it had hundreds of friends. The guy had ...

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Jesus crucified in the movies

Movies portraying the crucifixion of Jesus provide us with useful conversation starters as we explore the depth of meaning in the events of Easter. Try suggesting an Easter movie and you’ll get different reactions. Some people are concerned about historical accuracy. Did Jesus have nails driven through his hands, as in The Passion of the Christ, through his wrists, as ...

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No place like HOME in Rockhampton

SOUTH ROCKHAMPTON Uniting Church is proud to offer a special home to young people – and not just any home.The church’s HOME or House of Mission and Evangelism is an initiative where young people are challenged and supported to live in a sustainable Christian community. While at HOME, they receive training, mentoring, and encouragement for ministry practice in the church ...

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