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Search Results for: day camp

Diary from the eye of the flood

It began for Brisbane on a wet, rainy Monday as a wall of water tore through Toowoomba to the west of the capital. There were forecasts that Brisbane may experience flooding so immediately we went into preparation mode. According to predictions based on earlier floods the ground floor of my house was going to be inundated, so all our worldies ...

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Charting new territory in Charleville

SIXTEEN BOYS from Green Point Christian College on the Central Coast of New South Wales travelled to Charleville in remote south-west Queensland in September to lend a helping hand to property owners in the area. The trip, currently in its seventh year, aims to help property owners who have been doing it tough, in previous years during the drought. The ...

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Student Life Mission at Work

OVER 60 young people from the Student Life Mission came to the Gold Coast in November to witness to Schoolies. The Burleigh Heads Uniting Church opened its doors to the students for the 10 days they were on the Gold Coast, giving them a place to meet, worship, train and coordinate their mission. The young people came from various universities ...

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Aid Agency Hits Back at Christmas Waste

TODAY THE international aid agency Act for Peace launched its annual appeal, the Christmas Bowl, encouraging Australians to share their Christmas with war-torn communities. The appeal is set to hit back at the billions of dollars spent each December on Christmas gifts that prove to be unwanted. Act for Peace’s Executive Director, Alistair Gee said, “We’re injecting some meaning back into ...

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Indonesian Church Leader calls for Uniting Church Support of Disaster Response

Rev. Kuntadi Sumadikarya (Moderator of the Indonesian Christian Church and GKI Humanitarian) has requested the support of the Uniting Church in Australia as the church seeks to provide much needed medical assistance as a result of the recent Mount Merapi eruption and the earthquake off Mentawai, West Sumatra. As a result UnitingWorld has launched the Mentawai and Merapi Disaster Appeal. ...

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Christians unite in global prayer and action

ON SUNDAY 10 October 2010 (10.10.10) millions of Christians across the globe united for a day of global prayer and action. From India to the UK, Zambia to Ecuador and every state and territory around Australia, Christians paused to remember the poor in our world, and to worship God for his heart of justice. More than seventy countries took part in the ...

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Language no barrier for youth

THE RELATIONSHIP between Uniting Church young people from Indigenous communities near Weipa and the Crossways Korean congregation in Brisbane continues to strengthen after a visit to Weipa in August. Ten Crossways members headed to far north Queensland at the invitation of Frontier Services’ Cape York Patrol minister Rev Michelle Cook and her husband, Western Cape youth worker, Pastor James Hughes. Led ...

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Bush devotions prove fruitful

THE SEARCH for a bush themed devotional for a young couple led Gympie Uniting Church member Linda Watt to create her own. The result, Abundance in the Bush, is based on 31 days of life in the bush and was so popular that Ms Watt received orders while still writing it and sold 250 copies in the first month. “I ...

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Let Justice Roll Like a River

Megan McGrath has worked at World Vision for 8 years and is currently part of the Innovative Partnerships team. Earlier this year, Megan worked with World Vision North Sudan in Darfur. Since 2003 the conflict in Darfur, has displaced approximately 1.8 million people. Megan visited an Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp, which houses about 70,000 people. Within the camp, she ...

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Embracing a future not our own

AS I WRITE this reflection we are in the last days of an election campaign where the “forward together” slogan became a bit of a joke. The process of discernment and visioning that we as a Queensland Synod are involved in at the moment, Together on the way, enriching community, is not a joke but a very serious engagement with ...

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