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Search Results for: day camp

Poverty Editorial

WHEN I was 18 years old I went on a family holiday to Papua New Guinea to visit my brother who was living in the Eastern Highlands. My parents had lived in PNG during the 1960s and 1970s and both my brother and sister were born there. We had grown up hearing about the beauty of the place, the kindness ...

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Music to your ears

DO YOUR eyes still light up when you recall the thunder of a Wesley hymn raising the rafters at Albert Street church in the 1950s? This writer remembers adults shaking their heads when we began using choruses from Scripture in Song at Aitkenvale Methodist church in 1974. They muttered about “Jesus songs” and “ditties” from the brown book. Lately my ...

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A joy that dementia could not crush

This story was first published at www.mercatornet.com on 5 August 2008. When Ronald Reagan died in 2004 after a decade-long battle with Alzheimer’s, pundits across America repeated the conventional wisdom about dementia. The former president was only a "shell" and "shadow" of himself in his later years, they said, and his physical passing was a mere formality, the symbolic loss of ...

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From the editorial team – August 2008

It’s Sunday afternoon, you’ve had lunch and settled on the couch, feet up with Journey. We’ll be spending the next three editions together, so allow me to introduce myself. I’m helping hold the fort while Bruce Mullan takes a break and Mardi Lumsden takes the wheel. My CV: husband and father, UCA member, journalist and broadcaster, occasional elephant hunter. Rather ...

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Wildflower Journey Prayers

Publisher: David Lovell Publishing RRP: 24.95 Jacinta Shailer, a Sister of the Good Samaritan, is a writer of poetry and prayers and a photographer. This beautiful book, her third, contains prayers, poems and meditations written by Jacinta and other Australian authors (including Noel Davis) and is illustrated with Jacinta’s photographs. The book follows through 7 days, with each day split ...

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Asian church leaders urge effort to preserve ‘Mother Earth’

ENI-08-0490 Chiang Mai, Thailand, 20 June (ENI)–Christian leaders in Asia have urged church groups around the world to support their campaign against accelerating land degradation caused by climate change or destructive methods of land use. "Desertification is not only one of the world’s greatest environmental challenges but also a major impediment in the way of ensuring basic human needs," the ...

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Boost for wellness in Bayside

Blue Care and the Port of Brisbane Corporation today launched a $60,000 plan to promote health and wellness among the Bayside community. Announcing the plan today, Port of Brisbane Corporation Chief Executive Officer Jeff Coleman said the Corporation would sponsor Blue Care $20,000 per year for the next three years to fund the health and wellness program. He said the ...

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Uniting Church welcomes action for nuclear disarmament

The Uniting Church in Australia has today commended the Federal Government for its latest efforts towards banning nuclear weapons. The commendation comes in the wake of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s announcement of the formation of the new Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Commission. National Director of UnitingJustice Australia Rev Elenie Poulos said the Uniting Church had long been committed to the ...

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Obama leaves church after controversy about pastor’s remarks

US Democratic Party presidential hopeful Barack Obama has resigned his long-standing membership in Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, a move that came just months after Obama distanced himself from the retiring pastor of the church, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. "I have no idea how it will impact my presidential campaign but I know it was the right thing ...

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